Using a promo code

ALERT: If you have a business, it's a good idea to use your business name as your username. This will be visible to the public as a Market subscriber.

Setting up Account with 100% Off Coupon Code

Follow the below steps to redeem your PreQuilt promo or coupon code that is for 100% off your subscription. Because this code covers the entire cost, you will not need to enter any credit card information.

  1. Click on the 'Pricing/Free Demo' button in the top right corner.

  2. Click on the subscription you'd like (Basic or Market - Monthly or Annual).

    • Note: This example shows me choosing a Monthly Basic subscription.

  3. Fill in your information and then click on 'Create Account' button

    • Enter your email address.

    • Create a username.

    • Create a password.

    • Click to agree to the terms

  4. Double check your email address & username. If correct, click on the 'Next Step > Checkout' button.

    • Note: If not correct, click on 'Go back and edit' to make revisions.

  5. Click on 'Apply coupon'.

  6. Enter your promo or coupon code (this example uses a fake code). Then click on the 'Proceed To Checkout' button.

  7. A financial summary of your transaction with your discount will be shown. Click on the 'Proceed To Checkout' button.

  8. Enter your first and last name. Then click on the 'Next' button.

  9. Enter your address and then click on the 'Next' button.

  10. Double check your address and then click on the 'Subscribe' button.

  11. Once completed, you will be redirected to your dashboard. Welcome to PreQuilt!

Last updated