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It's important to note that you will need at least 2 different quilt blocks in order to randomize blocks in PreQuilt.
The Relative Method enables you to select which blocks you'd like to show up more, relative to others, in your quilt layout.
You will not be able to control the exact number of blocks, but rather you can control which blocks you'd like more of and which you'd like less of on the quilt grid.
This is a good use case for when you just want to play with the overall random layout.
After creating your quilt blocks, follow these steps to randomly lay out your quilt blocks on your quilt grid. These instructions will give you unequal numbers of each block in your quilt with some blocks occurring more often relative to others.
Click on the RANDOMIZE tab on the left side control panel.
Click on the Blocks button.
The Block Randomizer panel will slide out with images of all the blocks you have in your quilt with two hearts next to them.
Now that we know how the Block Randomizer works, we can play with randomizing distributing unequal numbers of your quilt blocks.
Add more hearts for the quilt block that you'd want to use more of in your quilt. To add more hearts, click on them.
Click on the Select All Cells button at the bottom of the panel. This will randomly place blocks into all the block cells in the quilt.
Click on the checkmark next to Allow duplicates. Since we only 2 quilt blocks, but 100 block cells, the quilt blocks will need to be used multiple times.
Click on the Apply Blocks Randomly button.
Since all the block cells are selected, deselect them by clicking outside the quilt grid.
You can now see that both versions of the quilt block have been randomly laid out in the quilt grid and that there are relatively more of the lighter Hunter's Star block being used then the brighter Hunter's Star block.
Click on the x button () at the top right of the panel.