Pieced Orange Peel
Best Practices for Auto Recognition
Last updated
Best Practices for Auto Recognition
Last updated
For a pieced Orange Peel, construct your block unit like a Modern Drunkard's Path with 1 orange peel shape and 2 side concave curves. There will be a total of 3 separate pieces.
Coming soon...
Click on the BLOCKS tab on the left side control panel.
Click on the Make Custom Block button.
The Block Editor panel will slide out and overtake your screen. My block is set to 12" x 12" finished, but it doesn't matter, the next steps will work for all sized blocks.
Set your grid guidelines by changing the number for the horizontal and vertical units.
I'll set my gridlines to 2 horizontal and 2 vertical units.
Move the orange peel piece so it is in the top left corner of the quilt block.
Click on the Link button for a different fabric link (so that there are now 2 different fabrics being used). In this example, I am using Fabric Link B.
Move the concave quarter circle piece into the left corner of the block.
Rotate and move the new concave quarter circle piece so that it fits snug on the other side of the orange peel piece.
Clone, rotate and move 3 more pieced orange peel block units to complete the quilt block. If you'd like, you can add and use additional Fabric Links.
Please note:
Templates are not included in PreQuilt (at this time). You will need to create your own or buy templates to cut the curves.
Cutting diagrams on PreQuilt are set as squares that are then trimmed into the orange peel and concave curves. Use your expertise to stagger templates for more efficient fabric usage.
Version 2.0 of Fabric Calculations will include templates and staggered cutting diagrams.
Click on the orange peel shape () from the central control panel.
Click on the concave quarter circle shape () from the central control panel.
With the concave quarter circle piece selected, click on the Clone button () on the central control panel.