04 Random Play
// Orphan Block Quilts //
✓ Photographs of orphan blocks
✓ Imported and trimmed into PreQuilt
✓ Made digital blocks out of photographs
✓ Now we're ready for the fun part!
01 Randomly Rotate Orphan Blocks
Now that all your blocks have been added to the quilt. We can play with the rotation of the block. You can randomly rotate all the blocks at once and/or manually rotate one at a time. Here are the directions for randomly rotating all blocks at once.
Click on the 'RANDOMIZE' tab on the Left Side Control Panel.
Click on the 'Rotate' button. Blocks will randomly rotate into a new position.
Repeat Step 01.3 as many times as you'd like until you find something you like. The quilt on the left is before random rotation and the quilt on the right is after random rotation. I like the V's and flying geese.
Like everything, but one block? Individual blocks can also be rotated.
Select the block you'd like to rotate by clicking on it.
Click on the 'Rotate' button on the central Toolbar.
Only that block will rotate. Click as many times as you'd like it to be rotated.
02 Randomly Add Orphan Blocks into Quilt
Another way to play with your orphan blocks is to randomize the location of your blocks on your quilt grid. If you're working with only one of each block, there's also a way to ensure it only appears once in your quilt.
Click on the 'RANDOMIZE' tab on the left side control panel.
Click on the 'Blocks' button.
A pop-up window called 'Block Settings' will appear on the left side. It will have an image of each of your blocks as well as some hearts next to each block.
Scroll to the bottom of the list of blocks and uncheck the 'Include 1 Patch Blocks' option. This will disable solid squares of each color tag from being added to the quilt grid.
If you only have one copy of each orphan block, then uncheck the 'Allow duplicates' option.
Click the 'Apply Blocks Randomly' button.
03 Finishing It Off
If you'd like, feel free to finish off your quilt with adding borders or binding!
Last updated