04 Merge Cells
// Panel Quilts //
Merge Cells for Panel
Now that our grid is set up, we can now select the necessary number of blocks to create one large block. We'll do this by merging smaller blocks together.
Using our quilt math from Step 2 - select and highlight all the blocks that make up the dimensions for your quilt panel. To do this, click on each cell or click and drag over all the cells you'll need.
Note: In our example, we'll need 8 blocks wide and 10 blocks tall to fit our panel.
With the cells still selected (highlighted in blue), click on the 'Merge Cells' button on the central tool bar.
Now, you'll see one large rectangle block in the center surrounded by 4" square blocks.
TIP: If you want to make sure the block is the correct size, right click and you'll see the dimensions next to 'Create Block'.
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