Lone Star Starter Quilt
Customizing the Lone Star Starter Quilt
Get started on your own Lone Star quilt by using our preloaded starter quilt!
This quilt was constructed using a block that is one quarter of a Lone Star quilt. Good news is that this construction method can avoid Y-seams! There are 8 default Fabric Links (6 for the star and 2 for the background).
Keep in mind, that when using printed fabrics for the background fabric, there will be a visible break in the printed fabric swatch where the seams line up. But this visualization will give you a solid starting point for your visual planning.
01 | Create a Lone Star using the Starter Quilt
The first step is to add / load a copy of the Lone Star starter quilt to your account.
From the Quilts dashboard, click on the Create Quilt tile.
The Create a New Quilt panel will open, click on the Use a Starter Quilt tab.
Scroll down and click on the Lone Star's Use As Starter Quilt button.
A new Lone Star quilt editor will open with a default 36 diamond (6-rowed) Lone Star quilt.
02 | Customize the Lone Star Starter Quilt
Now that we've created a new Lone Star quilt, let's modify the fabrics so that it's your own custom Lone Star quilt!
There are two ways you can modify the Lone Star Starter Quilt - (a) Modifying the fabric links being used in the Lone Star quilt or (b) Modifying the block pieces of the Lone Star quilt.
a | Modify Default Fabric Links
The easiest way to customize the Lone Star starter quilt and make it your own is to modify the default Fabric Links by changing the fabrics being used by each Fabric Link.
Click on the Fabric Links tab on the left side control panel.
It will expand to reveal the 8 Fabric Links being used in this quilt. To change them, click on the Edit button next to the Fabric Link you'd like to change.
In this example, I'm going to change Fabric Link A, which is currently linked to Kona Scone.
The Fabric Link panel will slide out from the side.
To change the Fabric Link to use a different solid fabric:
Click on the color tile for the solid fabric you'd like to use. The panel will close.
Now, Kona Jade Green is being used for Fabric Link A.
To change the Fabric Link to use a printed fabric:
Click on the PRINTS tab.
Then click on the Select button under the printed fabric swatch you'd like to use.
Now, Fabric Link a is using a Ruby Star Society fabric.
Repeat steps 2-3 until all Fabric Links are changed as desired.
b | Modify Default Lone Star Block Pieces
Modifying the block pieces of the Lone Star is a more advanced feature. But it can create a more uniquely yours Lone Star quilt.
From the BLOCKS tab, click on the Edit Block button next to the Quarter Lone Star block.
The Block Editor panel will open.
On the block, click on the block piece that you would like to change to select it.
TIP: You can do one piece at a time. Or, you can select all the pieces using that Fabric Link at once by pressing on the right button of your mouse and clicking on SELECT ALL.
In this example, I've selected one of the pieces that was originally using Fabric link C.
Click on the Link button for the desired Fabric Link that you'd like to use instead.
In this example, I'd like to have every other star row to be using Fabric Link A.
You will note that the selected piece is now linked to Fabric Link A (and not C).
Repeat steps 3-6 until all block pieces have been changed as desired.
Our new Lone Star quilt!
Last updated